
Ithasfourparallelchannels:twosynths,Roland'sCOSMguitarmodellerliftedfromtheirludicrously-pricedVG-88product,andguitardirect.,TosetupProgramChangemessages:1.PressEdit.2.PressthePageRightbuttonuntilyougettotheSystemTab.3.OntheRotaryWheel,tapthe ...,ToaccesstheEDITTONEPAGE,fromanyUSERPATCHPLAYSCREEN:-Press[EDIT]button,usethe[PAGEARROWLEFT<]buttonandnavigatetotheEDITTONEPAGE.,支援-GR-55操作手冊...

Roland GR55 guitar synth, now modified

It has four parallel channels : two synths, Roland's COSM guitar modeller lifted from their ludicrously-priced VG-88 product, and guitar direct.

GR-55: Set up Program Change

To setup Program Change messages: 1. Press Edit. 2. Press the Page Right button until you get to the System Tab. 3. On the Rotary Wheel, tap the ...


To access the EDIT TONE PAGE, from any USER PATCH PLAY SCREEN: - Press [EDIT] button, use the [PAGE ARROW LEFT &lt;] button and navigate to the EDIT TONE PAGE.

支援- GR-55 - 操作手冊- Patch List

支援- GR-55 操作手冊: Patch List.

支援- GR-55 - 操作手冊

GR-55. 操作手冊. [繁體中文] GR-55使用手冊 · Owner's Manual · Tone List · Patch List · Addendum. 支援. Top · 系統升級&amp; 驅動程式 · 用戶操作手冊 · 支援文件 ...

GR-55 - How to modify just one patch

You can have 10 different guitar setups, keep your current one as a 'sensitive setup' in GK set 1, then move to the next GK set 2 and enter the same ...


Hi there, Im new so please forgive my ignorance. I have a GR55 and I use it with Ghost Hexpanders on my built Strat.

ReviewDemo of GR-55 Normal Guitar Input Modification

I installed Davide Leonardo Marasti's circuit board in my ancient Roland GR-55, and now I can put down my MIDI guitar and go to an ...

ROLAND GR-55 (2019 Update your Tones with IR)

Welcome to JaredGunstonTV! My creative portal where i share my thoughts and ideas on using a variety of Guitar Related Products.

Guitar input mod for GR 55

How to mod your GR-55 to use a normal guitar into a 1/4 inch jack input.